About Valtti

With about 1500 registered players Valtti is one of the largest football clubs in Finland. It is based in Itä-Helsinki having two training centers, one in Puotila and the other in Herttoniemenranta. The former is the main center with office and other club facilities. Both sites have modern artificial turf pit providing high quality ground for training and playing. They both are located near to metro station (Puotila and Herttoniemi) and thus easily reachable by public transportation. The club is managed in a professional manner: there are two full-time administrative officers and six coaches. In addition, there are tens of part-time coaches.

Valtti offers chance to play football at all gender and age levels. There are several teams for women, men and seniors. Junior teams are, however, the major focus of the club. There are tens of teams for girls and boys from five to twenty years old. The main motivation of the club is to offer sport for local people under good quality training. Being successful in matches and leagues is also very important – it is a measure of training quality. Oldest girls are playing at the highest national level while respective boys’ teams at the second highest. Senior men have been for decades at the top in Finland. Men’s and women’s teams are playing at intermediate level but with a serious aim to get up to higher levels.

Large fraction of Itä-Helsinki inhabitants has non-Finnish ethnic background and so has Valtti also in its players. Playing football in such a club as Valtti offers a good way to settle in the Finnish society. The club is not only for youngsters but all parents are also welcome to work in the club. At the moment there are a few hundred parents acting as coaches, team leaders, trainers and others. New motivated people are always welcome.

If you are interested in playing or working in Valtti, please look at contact information (yhteystiedot) at team pages (joukkue) or contact the office at toimisto@valtti.info.